
Find One Stop Solution for OSCAR Integration at Trinity Healthcare Technology

Open Source Clinical Applications and Resources or OSCAR is a set of open source software functions developed in Canada that include an electronic health records(EHR), a billing module, a individual health record (PHR), and more. OSCAR Hosting has full billing capabilities, chronic disease management tools, prescription module, scheduling, and many other features. OSCAR can run locally in an office or be accessed over the internet. Today, there is several OSCAR support provider companies, and as the demand for OSCAR continues to increase; there has been a expected market response - an increase in the number of companies providing services and support for OSCAR Install. Trinity Healthcare Technologies was founded before a decade in the year 2007 to help chuck out paper from the doctor’s office use the open source clinical application resource software (OSCAR) and make every single connection for the doctor — to the ministry, to the lab, and to the doctor’s supply chain. The inte